fill the frame... see the face

I'm still getting back to pictures from a great session with Russian model Elena. Some of them I've already shared, but can't resist to keep few others just for myself.

singapore's colorful flyer

Even this picture has been shot two years ago, it's still one of my the most favorite.  For a several reasons. First of all, I felt in love with Singapore. If there would be an offer coming tomorrow to move there, I would be packing my whole family following day ;)
Secondly, this picture is a prove, that with a patience and determination, you can get what you want. And the last, but not least - a bit of luck always helps. In my case it was a navy brass band coming right  into my exposure with all their shiny trumpets, tubas, trombones...

OK, I owe you a bit of explanation... Follow me here.

the perfect picture school of photography in CZ and SK

Big announcement! My big photography role model, teacher and friend Bryan Peterson offered me and Monika an opportunity to join expansion of his "baby" - The Perfect Picture School of Photography - outside English speaking part of the world. And I'm thrilled to share, that Czech and Slovak version of PPSOP will be starting this fall, where Bryan and I will be helping you to get The Perfect Picture! Meanwhile, please be our guests and visit, where you can watch Brayn's welcoming video and sign up for updates. Stay tuned...
BTW - you can like us on too.

Veľká novinka! Môj fotografický vzor, učiteľ a priateľ Bryan Peterson ponúkol mne a Monike možnosť spolupodieľať sa na rozširovaní jeho Školy Perfektnej Fotografie mimo anglicky hovoriace krajiny. The Perfect Picture School of Photography (PPSOP) je celosvetová jednička v online fotografickom vzdelávaní a s radosťou vám oznamujeme, že od jesene štartujeme spolu s Bryanom kurzy v češtine pre Českú a Slovenskú republiku. Zatiaľ vás radi privítame na našej stránke, kde sa môžte dozvedieť viac o škole, pozrieť si Bryanove uvítacie video a prihlásiť sa k odberu noviniek. Ostaňte naladení...
A nezabudnite si nás tiež "obľúbiť" aj na ...

workshopping - and for a great reason

My dear Monika came with a great idea. To offer a quick 4 hours workshop for a beginners who still dare to switch from a full automatic to a manual mode on their DSLRs. But the best part of this great idea was, that "fee" will be donated to somebody who needs it - little Danik would benefit out of it.

It took her only a few hours to fulfill 7 offered spots and during our stay in Prague we met on Saturday early morning with great and enthusiastic photographers. Not even a heavy rain stopped this short but intensive event to happen ;) And after a quick update on balance of  "the photography triangle" we were freezing action, implying motion, panning, zooming - and jumping (for a group photo).