I guess you've experienced many times situation, that you see the super cool sunset and you would love to capture it - but you tripod is not nearby. Well, do not hesitate and help yourself and you'll be rewarded by a cool shots. Same happen to me few weeks ago in Moscow, I didn't give up and - I was rewarded :)
I had a drink and light dinner with my colleagues in the panoramic City Space Bar located at the top of my hotel when I've noticed sun going down. Literally. You could see sun sliding down. Perfect hyper modern skyscrapers in the background... Unfortunately I didn't have my tripod, neither my camera, as I was travelling just with borrowed Nikon D7000 with only one available telephoto lens - thanks god for 18-200mm.
So using available coffee table and napkins to stuff space under the lens (see picture below), I've found the most appealing composition without any inside light glares - I was shooting 140m high, but still through the window. And then the rest was easy. Reading exposure properly from the sky and waiting for the perfect moment - first when sun touched the cranes at the top of the building... and few moments later, when magic moment of the sunset light appeared.
Looks more like Chicago or Tokyo... not really typical Moscow's landscape/silhouette, right?
And this is "behind the scenes" shot made with my phone.
Thanks Mirka and Lubomir for their D7000 and - "dasvidanya!" ;)
PS: BTW, that was a very remarkable trip to Moscow. I've spent 11 hours at the airport upon arrival, have been charged with a penalty and had a serious immigration issue due to the "trial to illegally crossing borders of Russian federations". !?!
Well, I'm also on the US Homeland security watch list for a trial to take a picture of National security sensitive object (chimney!!!!)... I might explain one day a full story ;)

Love first one! Monika