Yellow idea came when I was enjoying an excellent dark chocolate, which was packed in a yellow box with unique pattern. So my background was clear. And then I have borrowed one (of the millions) small car of my son. Arranged. Added motion. And to emphasize the size, added a human element (my lovely daughter in this case ;). Monika helped with set up. Clearly a family teamwork... Thank you all!
PS: Behind the scenes are at the bottom...
project 52 | week 2 - legs
Well, second week of project 52 and I am still catching up and I am on time! ;) This time THE opportunity came quite easily. I have been first time ever playing curling - and there were a lot of legs in a very different angles and positions. This one came out perfectly. Motion, action, lines... and of course LEGS!
PS: Shot with my small point and shoot Leica D-Lux4...
Tak, druhý týždeň projektu 52 a ešte stále stíham a dodávam načas! ;) Tentokrát sa príležitosť vyskytla pomerne jednoducho. Bol som si prvýkrát v živote zahrať curling - a bolo tam k dispozícii kopec nôh v rôznych uhloch a polohách. Tento jeden záber mi vyšiel skvelo. Trochu pohybu, akcie, línie... no a samozrejme NOHY!
PS: Nafotené malým kompaktom Leica D-Lux4...
PS: Shot with my small point and shoot Leica D-Lux4...
Tak, druhý týždeň projektu 52 a ešte stále stíham a dodávam načas! ;) Tentokrát sa príležitosť vyskytla pomerne jednoducho. Bol som si prvýkrát v živote zahrať curling - a bolo tam k dispozícii kopec nôh v rôznych uhloch a polohách. Tento jeden záber mi vyšiel skvelo. Trochu pohybu, akcie, línie... no a samozrejme NOHY!
PS: Nafotené malým kompaktom Leica D-Lux4...
project 52 is back! - week1 | first
OK, this year I am back in project 52 - thanks goes to Monika for organizing it all and pushing me to not be lazy (thanks sweetheart!). Let's see how this will be developing this year! If you are not familiar with project 52, it is easy actually pretty easy. Every week there is a theme of the week announced within a small and very active photo community and I will do my best to force myself to take a picture with that theme. So please stay tuned. Theme of the first week is - what a surprise - "first".
And here's my my first week assignment. Our FIRST mold of this year in our fridge! :) Yeaah, this one raspberry didn't make it! But the rest of them were delicious!
PS: Macro shot has been lighted with my fantastic new "pringles softbox". I love it!
Tak, a tento rok som tu znova s projektom 52 - a to všetko vďaka Monike, ktorá to všetko vymyslela, organizuje a pomáha mi, aby som nezlenivel (ďakujem láska!). Uvidíme, ako sa to bude tento rok vyvíjať a či to dotiahnem až do konca. Ak nepoznáte projekt52, tak to je vcelku jednoduché. Každý týždeň je v rámci malej a veľmi aktívnej foto komunite vyhlásená téma týždňa a všetci sa budeme snažiť nafotiť niečo na túto tému. Takže ostaňte naladení. No a téma prvého týždňa je - tadááááá - "prvý" (prvá, prvé...).
No a toto je moje spracovanie témy. Prosím pekne, toto je naša PRVÁ tohtoročná pleseň v chladničke. Veru tak, táto malina to už nerozchodila. Ale zvyšok bol veľmi vydarný!
PS: Makro záber bol nasvietený s mojím novým "pringles softboxom". Obľúbil som si ho!
landscape layers
Sidelight (close to a sunset) can play miracles with a hilly landscape.
Bočné svetlo (obzvlášť teda tesne pred západom slnka) dokáže v kopečkoch robiť zázrazky.
Or would you prefer black and white version? I was amazed, how many details are hidden in a hazy distance and are able to show up from the RAW file. Have a look on the third from the top level and compare versus the previous version...
PS: Happy new year!! ;)
Bočné svetlo (obzvlášť teda tesne pred západom slnka) dokáže v kopečkoch robiť zázrazky.

Or would you prefer black and white version? I was amazed, how many details are hidden in a hazy distance and are able to show up from the RAW file. Have a look on the third from the top level and compare versus the previous version...
PS: Happy new year!! ;)
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