peace at the lake shore

While walking at the lake shore, I have discovered those balancing stones sculptures. When I have realized, they are REAL and not glued - I immediately knew I need to get back with my camera. And it was worth it!
This one is all about the wide angle and foremost subject telling the story of the peaceful evening. But there were couple of more shots, where I have enjoyed playing with my flash. Those will come later...

© Patrik Banas, Nikon D7000 with Tokina 11-14mm at 11mm, f/22 @ 25 sec, ISO 100

Na prechádzke okolo brehu jazera som objavil tieto kamenné súsošia. Keď som zistil, že nie sú nijako zlepené ale fakt sú takto vyvážené - tak mi hneď bolo jasné, že sa musím vrátiť naspäť s foťákom. A stálo to za to! Tento záber je hlavne o širokouhlom objektíve a o dominantnom prvku v popredí, ktorý dokáže vyrozprávať príbeh toho úžasne kľudného večera... Ale nafotil som ešte zopár ďalších, kde som sa vyhrajkal s bleskom.
Tie prídu už čoskoro...

project 52 | week 13 - hapiness

Give me a camera, 50mm prime lens and nice and shiny object... and I am happy as a child!
Chandelier in the one of Swiss "Hôtel" was so irresistible, that I gave up happy hour in the bar and just walk around, laid below, play with the aperture and shutter speed... And then just very quickly edited in LR within 5 minutes... So you can say - pure output out of the camera. Yes, that's also a happiness for me! Chandelier itself is at the very bottom...

Dajte mi do ruky foťák s 50mm objektívom a nejaký zaujímavý, trblietavý predmet... a som šťastný ako blcha! Tento luster v jednom švajčiarskom "Hôtel" bol tak neodolateľný, že som obmedzil pobyt v bare a namiesto toho som sa len prechádzal okolo lustra, ľahol si pod neho a len sa tak hral s clonou a uzávierkou...
Potom som to len narýchlo za 5 minút, prehnal cez Lightroom, takže myslím, že to viacmenej vústup priamo z foťáku. Áno, aj takto vyzerá pre mňa šťastie! Samotný luster je úplne dole...

project 52 | week 11 - song

Where is a shot, there will be a song...
Theme of the project 52 this week is SONG, and it was quite easy to match a song to this different angle of Arc Triomphe in Paris, France (yes, that is what is it). It was a fine Sunday morning with Monika and quite a fun to lay down on my back under the arch and then realize, that all of the sudden all tourists started to raise their heads and shooting towards the sky ;)
Oh, and the song is the classic - Aux Champs Elysées!

©Patrik Banas, Nikon D800 with Nikkor 14-24mm at 14mm, f/22 @ 1/13sec, ISO100

project 52 | week 14 - silhouettes

Timing is everything!
Správne načasovanie nadovšetko!

Huge thanks to my darling Monika! For the trip itself and for her sacrifice, to stay in foyer to take care of all bags and tripods. Guards to Musée d'Orsay were really really not opened to let us go inside with all our equipment. We negotiate at least DSLRs with two lenses. Scotty (the model) and myself went inside, Monika waited. Isn't she a perfect!?

Rendez-vous in Paris

I got a date (or I should say rendez-vous!) this weekend. Very special one! My dear one has invited me to Paris. Just like that. Only two of us and cameras!
We met extremely nice people and took a lot of nice pictures (they will be coming soon). But most of all - we had a nice weekend with "a lot of kisses, hugs and baguettes" ;)
PS: Mademoiselle Eiffel joined us for a double-date...
PS2: Thanks Babaj, Miška, Honza a Scotty!

Nikon D800, 70-300mm, f/11 @ 4sec, ISO 320