project 52 | week 17 - picture of somebody who is taking a picture

Back to my project 52. This is quite an interesting theme and quite an easy for me. Being quite often around Monika's session (and actually being her official backstage photographer) gives me a lot of opportunities to take a picture of somebody who is taking a picture. This one was particularly unique, as the photographer, was really "on the edge". Few more centimeters and she (and her camera!) would be in the pond. Well, thankfully, she kept her balanced and as a reward, she got a spectacular pictures on that nice Sunday morning.

PS: Second picture is not only showing... really she was at the edge, but also could be a good candidate for a theme of week 12 - in the center (and/or at the edge)... would you agree?

A som naspäť v projekte 52. Tohto týždňová téme "Fotka niekoho, kto fotí", je zaujímavá a pre mňa pomerne jednoduchá. Nakoľko sa často pohybujem okolo Monikiných foto sessions, mám kopec príležitostí nafotiť niekoho, kto fotí (koniec koncov, bol som menovaný oficiálnym fotografom na zábery spoza scény ;). Táto jedna je obzvlášť špeciálna, nakoľko fotografov siahol doslova "na okraj svojich možností". Ešte zopár centimetrov a bola by (aj s foťákom!) v rybníku. Chvalabohu, udržala rovnováhu a za odmenu získala v to skoré nedeľné ráno nádherné fotky.

PS: Ten druhý snímok len potvrdzuje, ako blízko okraja naozaj bola a dokonca ma napadlo, že by to bol aj dobrý kandidát na tému č. 12 - V strede, a/alebo na okraji, čo poviete? ;)

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