project 52 | week 7 - odd or even (part 2/2)

This week picture has been taken during my last "painting with light" session, and can frankly fall under the sport session as well. But conveniently I am going to file it under "Odd or even" theme.
Story is easy. It was the night after the birthday party of our kids and balloons where everywhere. Once I have finished painting the bike, I just wanted to see how it would looks like, if I would paint from behind the balloon with the same small source of light. And when I saw on my display first result of just a one balloon I was amazed with a colorful results! "Olympic rings idea" came to my mind immediately, so I was rotating with the little light source behind each of the baloon. Obviously, balloons had no intentions to stand on each other as I have envisioned it, so a little transparent tape came handy. Final image is just flipped, as you can see on the behind the scene shot ;) You gotta admit, that looks cool, huh? ;)

© Patrik Banas, Nikon D800, f/22, 101sec, ISO 100

project 52 | week 6 - sport (part 1/2)

  It has been a while I have "painted with a light", so I decided to take this week "sport" theme as a challenge. Unfortunately, my own painting skills are very bad, so I have used my kids' Strider bike as a template. In the middle of the night, when the rest of the family was sleeping already, I have created this lightning speed vehicle ;) Shot below has been made straight in the camera with a pretty easy set up. Camera on the tripod and shutter speed on Bulb mode. It took me exactly 111 seconds to paint it with a small, one single LED diode lamp. I have aimed the light into the lens and was trying my best to copy the shape of the bike. And voilá ;)
  Below is one more "rainbow" version (talking about Olympics, this is quite favorite color combination in Sochi right now ;) Even though, there are no bike disciplines during the Winter Olympics... )
PS: And that night playing brought me one more fantastic idea and shot, which I will share later on. It is about sport again, and I can just say, that it was the night after the kids' birthday party! ;)

© Patrik Banas, Nikon D800, f/22, 111sec, ISO 100

  Už dávno som "nemaľoval so svetlom", tak som sa rozhodol, že tohto týždňovú Športovú tému si dám ako výzvu. Bohužiaľ, moje vlastné kresliace techniky sú veľmi chabé (ako by potvrdila pani učiteľka z prvého stupňa ZŠ, ktorá mi dala sólovú dvojku z výtvarných prác a písania!) a tak som si pomohol odrážadlom mojich detí ako šablónou. Uprostred noci, keď celý dom už spal, som vytvoril toto bleskové vozítko. Záber vyššie bol nafotený priamo vo foťáku a nastavenie bolo veľmi jednoduché. Fotoaparát na statíve a uzávierka na voľnom "B-móde". Trvalo mi presne 111 sekúnd, kým som si toto nakreslil za pomoci malej LED diódovej lampičky. Stačilo namieriť svetlo priamo smerom na objektív a snažiť sa kopírovať tvar odrážadla. A voilá ;)
  Nižšie je ešte jedna "dúhová" verzia (a keďže sme už pri tej Olympiáde, tak som počul, že toto je tam teraz veľmi obľúbená farebná kombinácia ;) hoci neviem si vybaviť žiadnu zimnú cyklistickú disciplínu...)
PS: A v tú istú noc sa mi pritrafil ešte jedne fantastický nápad a záber, o ktorý sa podelím neskôr. Je to znova o športe a jediné čo prezradím je to, že to bola noc po narodeninovej párty našich detvákov! ;)

© Patrik Banas, Nikon D800, f/22, 111sec, ISO 100
enhanced with Photoshop CS5 using gradient overlay effect

project 52 | week 5 - triangle

This tiny red triangle I met walking up the street this week morning. And as I was in a search for a triangles, this red one got my attention! With a help of my favorite wide angle (and lady in a red) I could tell my story...

© Patrik Banas, Nikon D7000, Tokina 11-14mm, f/14 @ 1/10 sec

Tento maličký červený trojuholník som stretol, keď som kráčal jednou ulicou tento týždeň. No a keďže hľadám trojuholníky, tak mi hneď padol do oka. A s pomocou môjho širokouhlého objektívu (a dámy v červenom) som mohol porozprávať tento príbeh...

project 52 | week 4 - resolutions

This week theme is "RESOLUTION" - we are still quite at the beginning of the year, so it makes sense. And my resolution is to use those Brooks babies below more often then last year. After three half-marathons in a row, year by year, I become quite lazy last year. So... I really want to have less excuses why I can't go run outside today. But hey, what if that would mean to cut more on photography?! Hmmm, let me think... ;)
Once I have realized what resolution I am going to photographer, the idea came quite quickly - typical approach: when you do not have an idea, pick up you macro lens.. and just play.
© Patrik Banas, Nikon D800 with Macro Nikkor 105mm with 3 Kenko extension tubes, f/14 @ 1.3 sec, ISO 100
Tohto týždňová téma je "PREDSAVZATIA" a keďže nový rok začal ešte pomerne nedávno, tak to dáva celkom zmysel. No a mojím predsavzatím je používať tieto Brooksy trochu viacej ako minulý rok. Potom ako som tri roky za sebou zvládol pol-maratón som to minulý rok trochu flákal. Takže tento rok sa chystám mať menej výhovoriek, prečo práve dnes sa nedá isť si vonku zabehať. Hmmm, ale čo ak to bude znamenať, že sa budem musieť venovať foteniu trochu menej? Nuž... uvidíme ;)
Keď som už vedel, ktoré predsavzatie si nafotím, tak s realizáciou to už bolo celkom jednoduché - aplikoval som klasický postup: keď nemám nápad, tak vytiahnem makro objektív... a len sa tak hrajem.
© Patrik Banas, Nikon D800 with Macro Nikkor 105mm with 3 Kenko extension tubes, f/32 @ 25(!) sec, ISO 100