This shot was actually developing for a while. We actually went to
City Musem in St. Louis (huge playground for kids and grownups and we enjoyed it tremendously). Then I was shooting for some different project and ended with this guy in my viewfinder. Couldn't resisted... Only dilema was under which theme I should file it? Frame in the frame? Portrait without the eyes? I've chose View from above...
BTW, do you know what are those colorful "things" in the left top corner?
Nikon D800, 24-70mm @ 62mm, f/2.8, 1/30s, ISO 3200 (!) |
Kým som sa k tomuto záberu dopracoval, tak to chvíľu trvalo. Pôvodne sme sa vybrali do City múzea v St. Louis (to je vlastne obrovské ihrisko pre deti a dospelákov, kde sme si to náramne užili). Potom som tam fotil pre jeden iný projekt a nakoniec mi tento týpek padol do hľadáčika. Ako som mohol odolať? Jedinou dilemou bolo, pod ktorú tému to mám zaradiť? Rám v ráme? Portrét bez očí? Nakoniec som sa rozhodol pre Pohľad zhora...
Mimochodom, tušíte, čo je to farebné "niečo" v ľavom hornom rohu?
I love this place ... and this shot too!