Keď sa fotia makro zábery, tak hĺbka ostrosti (teda vysoké f/číslo) je kritická a preto často je rýchlosť uzávierky rátaná v skeundách. To ale pri fotení v interiéri nie je žiaden problém. No a keďže som bol lenivý ísť si po statív do auta, tak som použil aj ďalšie hračky, aby som stabilizoval fotoaparát a farebný objekt - viď nižšie...
Díky decká! Ostaňte aj naďalej tak farebne pozitívne! ;)
PS: Ak vás zaujíma fotenie "riadne zblízka" a čo všetko obnáša fotenie v makrosvete, tak sa v novembri/listopadu pridajte ku mne do kurzu "Naučte se fotografovat detail kretivně" (viď link). Všetko vám to aj s Bryanom priblížime!
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Nikon D800, Nikkor 105mm Macro, f/29, 15 sec, ISO 125 |
Our kids are also photography positive! Few days ago our daughter was playing with Marble Run game (see here) and she came keeping the colorful tube saying: "Daddy, isn't that so nicely colorful? I think we should photograph it!" So we did. With a big help of kids and also thanks to Nikkor Macro 105mm we got such a nice colors! When shooting macro, depth of field (aka high f/number) is critical, so the shutter speed is often counted in seconds. And that is not an issue when shooting indoor. As I was lazy to bring the tripod from a car, I have utilized other kids' toys to stabilize my colorful subject and the camera - see below...
Thank you kidos! Stay colorful positive! ;)