And here we go with another assignment! This week is is all about the lines. I was pretty sure to meet some nice line elements. And voilá - I didn't have to wait too long. It came actually at the nice and quite unexpected place, when we went last Sunday with kids to Magic house. (if you are not familiar with St. Louis Magic House - it's THE coolest place to go with kids, where I'm playing with them all the time!).
And there, next to giant Lego blocks and tiny mouse family house, right after a mirror maze was the board, where my kids played for an about 15 minutes and myself for another 30 minutes (but with the camera only;)
Going out to "playground" only we didn't fetch any serious camera equipment, but thankfully our little pocket size Leica was with us.
That's why all shots have been taken (again) with "point and shoot", in RAW, handheld only. Mostly in full manual mode, especially those with motion. So much fun!!! ;)
PS: At the end of the post I've enclosed a picture how this playing board really looks like, so you can get a perspective of the size and what the heck those colorful spots really are.

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