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Nikon D800, Nikkor 24-70mm @ 44mm, f/11 @ 1/100sec, ISO 100 |
And just to compare - while the bottom shot is very similar, it is clear, that flag on the shot above (does anybody knows what flag it is?) makes quite a difference between them, right? Setting the scene, giving the sense of the scale and also identifying that picture has been taken on the other boat....
Priznám na rovinu, že zima nie je moje obľúbené ročné obdobie... Aby som sa teda ohrial, navšívil som svoj letný archív so zábermi, ktoré som nafotil na zadnej palube trajektu, asi minútu pred západom slnka.... a priznám, že ma to pekne prehrialo. Dúfam, že aj vám to trochu pomôže a udrží vás v teple!
A ešte na provnanie som pridal druhý záber, ktorý je veľmi podobný. Ale je zjavné aký rozdiel robí tá vlajka na zábere, však? Pomôže nastaviť celkovú scénu, dodá záberu mierku a jasne identifikuje, že sa záber fotil z ďalšej lode. Mimochodom, vie niekto aká o je vlajka?

Wikipedia knows ;-)
ReplyDeleteThe flag of Italy with a shield divided into four squares representing the four Maritime Republics: Venice (represented by the Lion of St. Mark, top left), Genoa (top right), Amalfi (bottom left), and Pisa (represented by their respective crosses). The ensign is similar to the one used by the Italian Navy, with the exception that the lion of Venice is carrying no sword, the emblem is not crowned, and the book of the Gospel is open.
Great warm shots!!